Class StringFactory


public final class StringFactory extends Object
Factory class for building functions for String representations of Entity instances.
 interface Department {
 		EntityType TYPE = DOMAIN.entityType("employees.department");
 		Column<Integer> ID = TYPE.integerColumn("id");
 		Column<String> NAME = TYPE.stringColumn("name");

 interface Employee {
 		EntityType TYPE = DOMAIN.entityType("employees.employee");
 		Column<String> NAME = TYPE.stringColumn("name");
 		Column<Integer> DEPARTMENT_ID = TYPE.integerColumn("department_id");
 		ForeignKey DEPARTMENT_FK = TYPE.foreignKey("department_fk", DEPARTMENT_ID, Department.ID);

 void testStringFactory() {
		Entity department = createDepartment();// With name: Accounting
 		Entity employee = createEmployee(department);// With name: John and the above department

		Function<Entity, String> stringFactory =
            .text(", Department='")
            .value(Employee.DEPARTMENT_FK, Department.NAME)

Outputs the following String:

Name=John, Department='Accounting'

given the entities above.