Entity basics, selecting and modifying.
package is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial;
import is.codion.common.db.database.Database;
import is.codion.common.user.User;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnection;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnection.Select;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.db.local.LocalEntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.domain.DomainModel;
import is.codion.framework.domain.DomainType;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.Entities;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.Entity;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.EntityDefinition;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.EntityType;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.OrderBy;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.StringFactory;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.attribute.Column;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.attribute.ColumnDefinition;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.attribute.ForeignKey;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.attribute.ForeignKeyDefinition;
import java.util.List;
import static is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial.EntitiesTutorial.Chinook.Album;
import static is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial.EntitiesTutorial.Chinook.Artist;
import static is.codion.framework.domain.DomainType.domainType;
import static is.codion.framework.domain.entity.KeyGenerator.identity;
* When running this make sure the chinook demo module directory is the
* working directory, due to a relative path to a db init script
public final class EntitiesTutorial {
// The domain class, containing the domain model definition
public static final class Chinook extends DomainModel {
// DomainType for identifying this domain model
static final DomainType DOMAIN = domainType(Chinook.class);
// EntityType constant for the table entityType
// and a Column for each column
public interface Artist {
EntityType TYPE = DOMAIN.entityType("chinook.artist");
Column<Long> ID = TYPE.longColumn("id");
Column<String> NAME = TYPE.stringColumn("name");
// EntityType constant for the table entityType and a Column
// for each column and one for the foreign key relation
public interface Album {
EntityType TYPE = DOMAIN.entityType("chinook.album");
Column<Long> ID = TYPE.longColumn("id");
Column<String> TITLE = TYPE.stringColumn("title");
Column<Long> ARTIST_ID = TYPE.longColumn("artist_id");
// create a foreign key attribute referencing the Artist.TYPE, via the Album.ARTIST_ID attribute
ForeignKey ARTIST_FK = TYPE.foreignKey("artist_fk", ARTIST_ID, Artist.ID);
public Chinook() {
// Note that the below demo code is unusual since the
// builders are exposed for illustration purposes.
// create columns for the table 'chinook.artist'
ColumnDefinition.Builder<Long, ?> artistId =
ColumnDefinition.Builder<String, ?> artistName =
// define an entity based on the table 'chinook.artist', with the above columns
EntityDefinition artist = Artist.TYPE.define(artistId, artistName)
// add the artist definition to this domain model
// create columns and foreign key for the table 'chinook.album'
ColumnDefinition.Builder<Long, ?> albumId =
ColumnDefinition.Builder<String, ?> albumTitle =
ColumnDefinition.Builder<Long, ?> albumArtistId =
ForeignKeyDefinition.Builder albumArtist =
// define an entity based on the table 'chinook.album', with the above columns and foreign key
EntityDefinition album = Album.TYPE.define(albumId, albumTitle, albumArtistId, albumArtist)
.text(" - ")
// add the album definition to this domain model
* Demonstrates how to use a {@link EntityConnection} to select Entity instances.
private static void selectingEntities(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// fetch the connection from the provider, note that the provider returns
// the same connection until the previous one has been disconnected or
// has become invalid for some reason
EntityConnection connection = connectionProvider.connection();
// select the artist Metallica by name, the selectSingle() method
// throws a RecordNotFoundException if no record is found and a
// MultipleRecordsFoundException if more than one are found
Entity metallica = connection.selectSingle(Artist.NAME.equalTo("Metallica"));
// select all albums by Metallica, by using select() with the
// Metallica Entity as condition value, basically asking for the
// records where the given foreign key references that specific Entity
// select() returns an empty list if none are found
List<Entity> albums = connection.select(Album.ARTIST_FK.equalTo(metallica));
// for queries requiring further configuration, such as order by, we use
// a Select.Builder initialized with a condition specifying
// the attribute we're searching by, the operator and value.
Select selectArtists =
// and we set the order by clause
List<Entity> artistsStartingWithAn = connection.select(selectArtists);
// create a select
Select selectAlbums =
List<Entity> albumsByArtistsStartingWithAn = connection.select(selectAlbums);
* Demonstrates how to use a {@link EntityConnection} to modify Entity instances.
private static void modifyingEntities(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
EntityConnection connection = connectionProvider.connection();
//this Entities instance serves as a factory for Entity instances
Entities entities = connectionProvider.entities();
// we create a new band
Entity myBand = entities.builder(Artist.TYPE)
// and give the band a name
.with(Artist.NAME, "My band name")
// and insert the band
myBand = connection.insertSelect(myBand);
// now for our first album
Entity album = entities.builder(Album.TYPE)
// set the album artist to my band
.with(Album.ARTIST_FK, myBand)
// and set the title
.with(Album.TITLE, "My first album")
// and insert the album
album = connection.insertSelect(album);
// let's rename our album and our band as well
myBand.put(Artist.NAME, "A proper bandname");
album.put(Album.TITLE, "A proper title");
// and perform the update
connection.update(List.of(myBand, album));
// finally, we clean up after ourselves by deleting our imaginary band and album,
// note that the order of the entities matters, since we can't delete
// the artist before the album.
connection.delete(Entity.primaryKeys(List.of(album, myBand)));
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure the database
// initialize a connection provider, this class is responsible
// for supplying a valid connection or throwing an exception
// in case a connection can not be established
EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider =
.domain(new Chinook())