UI basics, EntityEditModel, inserting.
package is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial;
import is.codion.common.db.database.Database;
import is.codion.common.db.exception.DatabaseException;
import is.codion.common.user.User;
import is.codion.common.value.Value;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.ChinookImpl;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.db.local.LocalEntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.Entity;
import is.codion.framework.domain.entity.exception.ValidationException;
import is.codion.swing.common.ui.component.Components;
import is.codion.swing.common.ui.control.Control;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityEditModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.component.EntityComboBoxModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.component.EntityComboBox;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import static is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Album;
import static is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Artist;
* When running this make sure the chinook demo module directory is the
* working directory, due to a relative path to a db init script
public final class ClientUI {
static void artistPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create a EditModel based on the artist entity
SwingEntityEditModel editModel = new SwingEntityEditModel(Artist.TYPE, connectionProvider);
// fetch the Value representing the artist name from the editor
Value<String> artistNameEditModelValue = editModel.editor().value(Artist.NAME);
// create a Control for inserting a new Artist
Control insertControl = Control.action(actionEvent -> {
try {
// insert the entity
// clear the edit model after a successful insert
catch (DatabaseException | ValidationException e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog((JTextField) actionEvent.getSource(),
e.getMessage(), "Unable to insert", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
// create a textfield for entering an artist name
JTextField artistNameTextField =
// link the text field to the edit model value
// trigger the insert action on pressing Enter
// show a message after insert
editModel.afterInsert().addConsumer(insertedEntities ->
"Inserted: " + insertedEntities.iterator().next()));
JPanel artistPanel = Components.gridLayoutPanel(2, 1)
.add(new JLabel("Artist name"))
.border(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10))
// uncomment the below lines to display the panel
// Dialogs.componentDialog(artistPanel)
// .title("Artist")
// .show();
static void albumPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create a EditModel based on the album entity
SwingEntityEditModel editModel = new SwingEntityEditModel(Album.TYPE, connectionProvider);
// fetch the Value representing the album artist from the editor
Value<Entity> editModelArtistValue = editModel.editor().value(Album.ARTIST_FK);
EntityComboBoxModel artistComboBoxModel = editModel.comboBoxModel(Album.ARTIST_FK);
// create a combobox for selecting the album artist
// based on a combobox model supplied by the edit model
EntityComboBox artistComboBox =
// link the combo box to the edit model value
EntityComboBox.builder(artistComboBoxModel, editModelArtistValue)
// limit the combo box width, due to long artist names
// move focus with Enter key
// populate the combo box model when shown
.onSetVisible(comboBox -> comboBox.getModel().items().refresh())
// fetch the Value representing the album title from the editor
Value<String> editModelTitleValue = editModel.editor().value(Album.TITLE);
// create a Control for inserting a new Album row
Control insertControl = Control.action(actionEvent -> {
try {
// insert the entity
// clear the edit model after a successful insert
// and transfer the focus to the combo box
catch (DatabaseException | ValidationException e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog((JTextField) actionEvent.getSource(),
e.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
// create a text field based on the title value
JTextField titleTextField =
// link the text field to the edit model value
// add an insert action to the title field
// so that we can insert by pressing Enter
// show a message after insert
editModel.afterInsert().addConsumer(insertedEntities ->
"Inserted: " + insertedEntities.iterator().next()));
JPanel albumPanel = Components.gridLayoutPanel(4, 1)
.add(new JLabel("Artist"))
.add(new JLabel("Title"))
.border(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10))
// uncomment the below lines to display the panel
// Dialogs.componentDialog(albumPanel)
// .title("Album")
// .show();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure the database
// initialize a connection provider, this class is responsible
// for supplying a valid connection or throwing an exception
// in case a connection can not be established
EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider =
.domain(new ChinookImpl())