Interface ForeignKeyDetailModelLink<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>>

Type Parameters:
M - the EntityModel type
E - the EntityEditModel type
T - the EntityTableModel type
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultForeignKeyDetailModelLink, SwingForeignKeyDetailModelLink

public interface ForeignKeyDetailModelLink<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>> extends DetailModelLink<M,E,T>
Represents a link between a master and detail model based on a foreign key.
  • Field Details


      static final PropertyValue<Boolean> SEARCH_BY_INSERTED_ENTITY
      Specifies whether a detail model should automatically search by the entity inserted by the master model. Value type: Boolean
      Default value: false

      static final PropertyValue<Boolean> REFRESH_ON_SELECTION
      Specifies whether a detail model should be automatically refreshed when the selection in the master model changes. Value type: Boolean
      Default value: true

      static final PropertyValue<Boolean> CLEAR_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_EMPTY_SELECTION
      Specifies whether a detail model sets the master foreign key to null when null or no value is selected in a master model
      Value type: Boolean
      Default value: false
  • Method Details

    • foreignKey

      ForeignKey foreignKey()
      the foreign key representing this detail model
    • searchByInsertedEntity

      State searchByInsertedEntity()
      the State controlling whether the detail table model should automatically search by the inserted entity when an insert is performed in a master model
      See Also:
    • refreshOnSelection

      State refreshOnSelection()
      the State controlling whether the detail table model should be automatically refreshed when the foreign key condition is set according to the master model selection
      See Also:
    • clearForeignKeyOnEmptySelection

      State clearForeignKeyOnEmptySelection()
      Returns the State controlling whether the detail model should set the foreign key to null when null or no value is selected in the master model.
      the State controlling whether a null selection should result in the foreign key being set to null
      See Also: