Interface EntityPanel.DetailController

Enclosing class:

public static interface EntityPanel.DetailController
Controls the detail panels for a EntityPanel instance. Provides a way to change the EntityPanel.PanelState and to respond to detail panel activation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    activated(EntityPanel detailPanel)
    Called when the given detail panel is activated.
    panelState(EntityPanel detailPanel)
    Note that the detail panel state may be shared between detail panels, as they may be displayed in a shared window.
  • Method Details

    • panelState

      default Value<EntityPanel.PanelState> panelState(EntityPanel detailPanel)
      Note that the detail panel state may be shared between detail panels, as they may be displayed in a shared window.
      detailPanel - the detail panel
      the Value controlling the state of the given detail panel
    • activated

      default void activated(EntityPanel detailPanel)
      Called when the given detail panel is activated.
      detailPanel - the detail panel to select
      See Also: