Interface FilterTableSearchModel

public interface FilterTableSearchModel
Handles searching through a FilterTable
  • Method Details

    • regularExpression

      State regularExpression()
      the State controlling whether regular expressions should be used when searching
    • caseSensitive

      State caseSensitive()
      the State controlling whether searching is case-sensitive
    • searchString

      Value<String> searchString()
      the Value for the search string
    • predicate

      Value<Predicate<String>> predicate()
      the Value controlling the search predicate
    • nextResult

      Finds the next value and selects the row, if none is found the selection is cleared
      the row and column of the next item fitting the search condition, an empty Optional if none is found
    • selectNextResult

      Finds the next value and adds the row to the selection
      the row and column of the next item fitting the search condition, an empty Optional if none is found
    • previousResult

      Finds the previous value and selects the row, if none is found the selection is cleared
      the row and column of the previous item fitting the search condition, an empty Optional if none is found
    • selectPreviousResult

      Finds the previous value and adds the row to the selection
      the row and column of the previous item fitting the search condition, an empty Optional if none is found
    • searchResults

      an unmodifiable view of all row/column search results
    • currentResult

      Returns the ValueObserver notified of the selected search result row/column if available, otherwise one with row: -1 and column: -1
      an observer notified each time the current search result changes
      See Also: