Class Clients


public final class Clients extends Object
Utility methods for remote clients
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The system property key for specifying a ssl truststore
    static final String
    The system property key for specifying a ssl truststore password
    static final PropertyValue<String>
    The host on which to locate the server Value type: String Default value: localhost
    static final PropertyValue<String>
    The rmi ssl truststore to use Value type: String Default value: null
    static final PropertyValue<String>
    The rmi ssl truststore password to use Value type: String Default value: null
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    Reads the trust store and password specified by the 'codion.client.trustStore' and 'codion.client.trustStorePassword' system properties and if a truststore is specified, either in the filesystem or on the classpath, combines it with the default system truststore, writes the combined truststore to a temporary file and sets '' so that it points to that file and '' to the given password.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final String JAVAX_NET_TRUSTSTORE
      The system property key for specifying a ssl truststore
      See Also:

      public static final String JAVAX_NET_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
      The system property key for specifying a ssl truststore password
      See Also:

      public static final PropertyValue<String> TRUSTSTORE
      The rmi ssl truststore to use
      • Value type: String
      • Default value: null

      public static final PropertyValue<String> TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
      The rmi ssl truststore password to use
      • Value type: String
      • Default value: null

      public static final PropertyValue<String> SERVER_HOSTNAME
      The host on which to locate the server
      • Value type: String
      • Default value: localhost
  • Method Details

    • resolveTrustStore

      public static void resolveTrustStore()
      Reads the trust store and password specified by the 'codion.client.trustStore' and 'codion.client.trustStorePassword' system properties and if a truststore is specified, either in the filesystem or on the classpath, combines it with the default system truststore, writes the combined truststore to a temporary file and sets '' so that it points to that file and '' to the given password. If no password is provided, the default 'changeit' password is used. If no truststore is specified or the file is not found, this method has no effect.
      IllegalArgumentException - in case a truststore is specified but no password
      See Also: