Class DomainModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SchemaDomain, TestDomain

public abstract class DomainModel extends Object implements Domain
A default Domain implementation. Extend to define a domain model.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DomainModel

      protected DomainModel(DomainType domainType)
      Instantiates a new DomainModel identified by the given DomainType.
      domainType - the Domain model type to associate with this domain model
  • Method Details

    • type

      public final DomainType type()
      Specified by:
      type in interface Domain
      the domain type identifying this domain model
    • entities

      public final Entities entities()
      Specified by:
      entities in interface Domain
      the Domain entities
    • reports

      public final Map<ReportType<?,?,?>,Report<?,?,?>> reports()
      Specified by:
      reports in interface Domain
      an unmodifiable view of this domain's reports
    • procedures

      public final Map<ProcedureType<?,?>,DatabaseProcedure<?,?>> procedures()
      Specified by:
      procedures in interface Domain
      an unmodifiable view of this domain's procedures
    • functions

      public final Map<FunctionType<?,?,?>,DatabaseFunction<?,?,?>> functions()
      Specified by:
      functions in interface Domain
      an unmodifiable view of this domain's functions
    • report

      public final <T, R, P> Report<T,R,P> report(ReportType<T,R,P> reportType)
      Description copied from interface: Domain
      Retrieves the report of the given type.
      Specified by:
      report in interface Domain
      Type Parameters:
      T - the report type
      R - the report result type
      P - the report parameters type
      reportType - the report type
      the report
    • procedure

      public final <C, T> DatabaseProcedure<C,T> procedure(ProcedureType<C,T> procedureType)
      Description copied from interface: Domain
      Retrieves the procedure of the given type.
      Specified by:
      procedure in interface Domain
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of the database connection this procedure requires
      T - the argument type
      procedureType - the procedure type
      the procedure
    • function

      public final <C, T, R> DatabaseFunction<C,T,R> function(FunctionType<C,T,R> functionType)
      Description copied from interface: Domain
      Retrieves the function of the given type.
      Specified by:
      function in interface Domain
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of the database connection this function requires
      T - the argument type
      R - the result type
      functionType - the function type
      the function
    • add

      protected final void add(EntityDefinition... definitions)
      Adds a new EntityDefinition to this domain model.
      definitions - the definitions to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case a entityType has already been used to define an entity
      IllegalArgumentException - in case no attribute definitions are specified for an entity
      IllegalArgumentException - in case an entity definition is not associated with this domain
    • add

      protected final <T, R, P> void add(ReportType<T,R,P> reportType, Report<T,R,P> report)
      Adds a report to this domain model.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the report type
      R - the report result type
      P - the report parameters type
      reportType - the report to add
      report - the actual report to associate with the report type
      RuntimeException - in case loading the report failed
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the report has already been added
    • add

      protected final <C, T> void add(ProcedureType<C,T> procedureType, DatabaseProcedure<C,T> procedure)
      Adds the given procedure to this domain
      Type Parameters:
      C - the connection type
      T - the argument type
      procedureType - the procedure type to identify the procedure
      procedure - the procedure to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case a procedure has already been associated with the given type
    • add

      protected final <C, T, R> void add(FunctionType<C,T,R> functionType, DatabaseFunction<C,T,R> function)
      Adds the given function to this domain
      Type Parameters:
      C - the connection type
      T - the argument type
      R - the result type
      functionType - the function type to identify the function
      function - the function to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case a function has already been associated with the given type
    • validateForeignKeys

      protected final void validateForeignKeys(boolean validateForeignKeys)
      Specifies whether foreign keys are validated by asserting that the referenced entity has been defined. Disable this validation in cases where entities have circular references.
      validateForeignKeys - true to enable foreign key validation, false to disable
    • add

      protected final void add(Domain domain)
      Adds all entities, procedures, functions and reports from the given domain model.
      domain - the domain model to copy from
      See Also:
    • addEntities

      protected final void addEntities(Domain domain)
      Adds all the entities from the given domain to this domain. Note that the entity type names must be unique.
      domain - the domain model which entities to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case a non-unique entity type name is encountered
      See Also:
    • addProcedures

      protected final void addProcedures(Domain domain)
      Adds all the procedures from the given domain to this domain.
      domain - the domain model which procedures to add
    • addFunctions

      protected final void addFunctions(Domain domain)
      Adds all the functions from the given domain to this domain.
      domain - the domain model which functions to add
    • addReports

      protected final void addReports(Domain domain)
      Adds all the reports from the given domain to this domain.
      domain - the domain model which reports to add