Interface EntityApplicationPanel.ApplicationLayout

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:
EntityApplicationPanel<M extends SwingEntityApplicationModel>

public static interface EntityApplicationPanel.ApplicationLayout
Handles laying out an EntityApplicationPanel.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    activated(EntityPanel entityPanel)
    Called when the given entity panel is activated, responsible for making sure it becomes visible.
    Lays out the main component for a given application panel.
  • Method Details

    • layout

      JComponent layout()
      Lays out the main component for a given application panel. Note that this method is responsible for initializing any visible entity panels using EntityPanel.initialize().
      the main application component
      IllegalStateException - in case the panel has already been laid out
    • activated

      default void activated(EntityPanel entityPanel)
      Called when the given entity panel is activated, responsible for making sure it becomes visible.
      entityPanel - the entity panel being activated
      See Also: