1. Features
Lightweight client with a simple synchronous event model
Provides a practically mouse free user experience
Graceful handling of network outages and server restarts
Clear separation between model and UI
Easy to use load testing harness provided for applications
UI data bindings for most common components provided by the framework
Implementing data bindings for new components is made simple with building blocks provided by the framework
The default UI layout is a simple and intuitive “waterfall” master-detail view
Extensive searching and filtering capabilities
Flexible keyboard-centric UI based on tab and split panes, detachable panels and toolbars
Detailed logging of client actions
3. Architecture
3.3. Assembly
3.3.1. EntityModel
* Creates a SwingEntityModel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
* with a detail model based on {@link Album#TYPE}
* @param connectionProvider the connection provider
static SwingEntityModel artistModel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create a default edit model
SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel =
new SwingEntityEditModel(Artist.TYPE, connectionProvider);
// create a default table model, wrapping the edit model
SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel =
new SwingEntityTableModel(artistEditModel);
// create a default model wrapping the table model
SwingEntityModel artistModel =
new SwingEntityModel(artistTableModel);
// Note that this does the same as the above, that is, creates
// a SwingEntityModel with a default edit and table model
SwingEntityModel albumModel =
new SwingEntityModel(Album.TYPE, connectionProvider);
return artistModel;
3.3.2. EntityPanel
* Creates a EntityPanel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
* with a detail panel based on {@link Album#TYPE}
* @param connectionProvider the connection provider
static EntityPanel artistPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create the EntityModel to base the panel on (calling the above method)
SwingEntityModel artistModel = artistModel(connectionProvider);
// the edit model
SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel = artistModel.editModel();
// the table model
SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel = artistModel.tableModel();
// the album detail model
SwingEntityModel albumModel = artistModel.detailModels().get(Album.TYPE);
// create a EntityEditPanel instance, based on the artist edit model
EntityEditPanel artistEditPanel = new EntityEditPanel(artistEditModel) {
protected void initializeUI() {
// create a EntityTablePanel instance, based on the artist table model
EntityTablePanel artistTablePanel = new EntityTablePanel(artistTableModel);
// create a EntityPanel instance, based on the artist model and
// the edit and table panels from above
EntityPanel artistPanel = new EntityPanel(artistModel, artistEditPanel, artistTablePanel);
// create a new EntityPanel, without an edit panel and
// with a default EntityTablePanel
EntityPanel albumPanel = new EntityPanel(albumModel);
return artistPanel;
3.4. Full Example
Show code
package is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial;
import is.codion.common.db.database.Database;
import is.codion.common.user.User;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.ChinookImpl;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Album;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Artist;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.db.local.LocalEntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityEditModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityTableModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityEditPanel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityPanel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityTablePanel;
* When running this make sure the chinook demo module directory is the
* working directory, due to a relative path to a db init script
public final class ClientArchitecture {
// tag::entityModel[]
* Creates a SwingEntityModel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
* with a detail model based on {@link Album#TYPE}
* @param connectionProvider the connection provider
static SwingEntityModel artistModel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create a default edit model
SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel =
new SwingEntityEditModel(Artist.TYPE, connectionProvider);
// create a default table model, wrapping the edit model
SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel =
new SwingEntityTableModel(artistEditModel);
// create a default model wrapping the table model
SwingEntityModel artistModel =
new SwingEntityModel(artistTableModel);
// Note that this does the same as the above, that is, creates
// a SwingEntityModel with a default edit and table model
SwingEntityModel albumModel =
new SwingEntityModel(Album.TYPE, connectionProvider);
return artistModel;
// end::entityModel[]
// tag::entityPanel[]
* Creates a EntityPanel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
* with a detail panel based on {@link Album#TYPE}
* @param connectionProvider the connection provider
static EntityPanel artistPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
// create the EntityModel to base the panel on (calling the above method)
SwingEntityModel artistModel = artistModel(connectionProvider);
// the edit model
SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel = artistModel.editModel();
// the table model
SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel = artistModel.tableModel();
// the album detail model
SwingEntityModel albumModel = artistModel.detailModels().get(Album.TYPE);
// create a EntityEditPanel instance, based on the artist edit model
EntityEditPanel artistEditPanel = new EntityEditPanel(artistEditModel) {
protected void initializeUI() {
// create a EntityTablePanel instance, based on the artist table model
EntityTablePanel artistTablePanel = new EntityTablePanel(artistTableModel);
// create a EntityPanel instance, based on the artist model and
// the edit and table panels from above
EntityPanel artistPanel = new EntityPanel(artistModel, artistEditPanel, artistTablePanel);
// create a new EntityPanel, without an edit panel and
// with a default EntityTablePanel
EntityPanel albumPanel = new EntityPanel(albumModel);
return artistPanel;
// end::entityPanel[]
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Configure the database
// initialize a connection provider, this class is responsible
// for supplying a valid connection or throwing an exception
// in case a connection can not be established
EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider =
.domain(new ChinookImpl())
EntityPanel artistPanel = artistPanel(connectionProvider);
// lazy initialization
// fetch data from the database
// uncomment the below line to display the panel
// displayInDialog(null, artistPanel, "Artists");