1. Features

  • Lightweight client with a simple synchronous event model

  • Provides a practically mouse free user experience

  • Graceful handling of network outages and server restarts

  • Clear separation between model and UI

  • Easy to use load testing harness provided for applications

  • UI data bindings for most common components provided by the framework

  • Implementing data bindings for new components is made simple with building blocks provided by the framework

  • The default UI layout is a simple and intuitive “waterfall” master-detail view

  • Extensive searching and filtering capabilities

  • Flexible keyboard-centric UI based on tab and split panes, detachable panels and toolbars

  • Detailed logging of client actions

2. Default client layout

The default master/detail panel layout.

Client UI

3. Architecture

3.1. UI

ui architecture

3.2. Model

model architecture

3.3. Assembly

3.3.1. EntityModel

   * Creates a SwingEntityModel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
   * with a detail model based on {@link Album#TYPE}
   * @param connectionProvider the connection provider
  static SwingEntityModel artistModel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
    // create a default edit model
    SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel =
            new SwingEntityEditModel(Artist.TYPE, connectionProvider);

    // create a default table model, wrapping the edit model
    SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel =
            new SwingEntityTableModel(artistEditModel);

    // create a default model wrapping the table model
    SwingEntityModel artistModel =
            new SwingEntityModel(artistTableModel);

    // Note that this does the same as the above, that is, creates
    // a SwingEntityModel with a default edit and table model
    SwingEntityModel albumModel =
            new SwingEntityModel(Album.TYPE, connectionProvider);


    return artistModel;

3.3.2. EntityPanel

   * Creates a EntityPanel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
   * with a detail panel based on {@link Album#TYPE}
   * @param connectionProvider the connection provider
  static EntityPanel artistPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
    // create the EntityModel to base the panel on (calling the above method)
    SwingEntityModel artistModel = artistModel(connectionProvider);

    // the edit model
    SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel = artistModel.editModel();

    // the table model
    SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel = artistModel.tableModel();

    // the album detail model
    SwingEntityModel albumModel = artistModel.detailModels().get(Album.TYPE);

    // create a EntityEditPanel instance, based on the artist edit model
    EntityEditPanel artistEditPanel = new EntityEditPanel(artistEditModel) {
      protected void initializeUI() {
    // create a EntityTablePanel instance, based on the artist table model
    EntityTablePanel artistTablePanel = new EntityTablePanel(artistTableModel);

    // create a EntityPanel instance, based on the artist model and
    // the edit and table panels from above
    EntityPanel artistPanel = new EntityPanel(artistModel, artistEditPanel, artistTablePanel);

    // create a new EntityPanel, without an edit panel and
    // with a default EntityTablePanel
    EntityPanel albumPanel = new EntityPanel(albumModel);


    return artistPanel;

3.4. Full Example

Show code
package is.codion.demos.chinook.tutorial;

import is.codion.common.db.database.Database;
import is.codion.common.user.User;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.ChinookImpl;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Album;
import is.codion.demos.chinook.domain.api.Chinook.Artist;
import is.codion.framework.db.EntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.framework.db.local.LocalEntityConnectionProvider;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityEditModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.model.SwingEntityTableModel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityEditPanel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityPanel;
import is.codion.swing.framework.ui.EntityTablePanel;

 * When running this make sure the chinook demo module directory is the
 * working directory, due to a relative path to a db init script
public final class ClientArchitecture {

  // tag::entityModel[]

   * Creates a SwingEntityModel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
   * with a detail model based on {@link Album#TYPE}
   * @param connectionProvider the connection provider
  static SwingEntityModel artistModel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
    // create a default edit model
    SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel =
            new SwingEntityEditModel(Artist.TYPE, connectionProvider);

    // create a default table model, wrapping the edit model
    SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel =
            new SwingEntityTableModel(artistEditModel);

    // create a default model wrapping the table model
    SwingEntityModel artistModel =
            new SwingEntityModel(artistTableModel);

    // Note that this does the same as the above, that is, creates
    // a SwingEntityModel with a default edit and table model
    SwingEntityModel albumModel =
            new SwingEntityModel(Album.TYPE, connectionProvider);


    return artistModel;
  // end::entityModel[]
  // tag::entityPanel[]

   * Creates a EntityPanel based on the {@link Artist#TYPE} entity
   * with a detail panel based on {@link Album#TYPE}
   * @param connectionProvider the connection provider
  static EntityPanel artistPanel(EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
    // create the EntityModel to base the panel on (calling the above method)
    SwingEntityModel artistModel = artistModel(connectionProvider);

    // the edit model
    SwingEntityEditModel artistEditModel = artistModel.editModel();

    // the table model
    SwingEntityTableModel artistTableModel = artistModel.tableModel();

    // the album detail model
    SwingEntityModel albumModel = artistModel.detailModels().get(Album.TYPE);

    // create a EntityEditPanel instance, based on the artist edit model
    EntityEditPanel artistEditPanel = new EntityEditPanel(artistEditModel) {
      protected void initializeUI() {
    // create a EntityTablePanel instance, based on the artist table model
    EntityTablePanel artistTablePanel = new EntityTablePanel(artistTableModel);

    // create a EntityPanel instance, based on the artist model and
    // the edit and table panels from above
    EntityPanel artistPanel = new EntityPanel(artistModel, artistEditPanel, artistTablePanel);

    // create a new EntityPanel, without an edit panel and
    // with a default EntityTablePanel
    EntityPanel albumPanel = new EntityPanel(albumModel);


    return artistPanel;
  // end::entityPanel[]

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Configure the database

    // initialize a connection provider, this class is responsible
    // for supplying a valid connection or throwing an exception
    // in case a connection can not be established
    EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider =
                    .domain(new ChinookImpl())

    EntityPanel artistPanel = artistPanel(connectionProvider);

    // lazy initialization

    // fetch data from the database

    // uncomment the below line to display the panel
//    displayInDialog(null, artistPanel, "Artists");


4. Configuration

4.1. Example configuration file


5. Usage