Interface EntityTableModel<E extends EntityEditModel>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of EntityEditModel used by this EntityTableModel
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityTableModel, SwingEntityTableModel

public interface EntityTableModel<E extends EntityEditModel> extends FilterModel<Entity>
Specifies a table model containing Entity instances.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • entityType

      EntityType entityType()
      the type of the entity this table model is based on
    • connectionProvider

      EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider()
      the connection provider used by this table model
    • connection

      EntityConnection connection()
      Do not cache or keep the connection returned by this method in a long living field, since it may become invalid and thereby unusable.
      the connection used by this table model
    • entities

      Entities entities()
      the underlying domain entities
    • entityDefinition

      EntityDefinition entityDefinition()
      the definition of the underlying entity
    • editModel

      E editModel()
      Returns the EntityEditModel associated with this table model
      the edit model associated with this table model
    • replace

      void replace(Collection<Entity> entities)
      Replaces the given entities in this table model
      entities - the entities to replace
    • refresh

      void refresh(Collection<Entity.Key> keys)
      Refreshes the entities with the given keys by re-selecting them from the underlying database.
      keys - the keys of the entities to refresh
    • editable

      State editable()
      the State controlling whether this table model is editable
    • deleteSelected

      Collection<Entity> deleteSelected()
      Deletes the selected entities
      the deleted entities
      DatabaseException - in case of a database exception
      CancelException - in case the user cancels the operation
      IllegalStateException - in case this table model has no edit model or if the edit model does not allow deleting
    • onInsert

      the Value controlling the action to perform when entities are inserted via the associated edit model
      See Also:
    • removeDeleted

      State removeDeleted()
      the State controlling whether entities that are deleted via the associated edit model should be automatically removed from this table model
    • select

      void select(Collection<Entity.Key> keys)
      Selects entities according to the primary keys in primaryKeys
      keys - the primary keys of the entities to select
    • orderQueryBySortOrder

      State orderQueryBySortOrder()
      Specifies whether the current FilterModel.sorter() order is used as a basis for the EntityQueryModel order by clause. Note that this only applies to column attributes.
      the State controlling whether the current sort order should be used as a basis for the query order by clause
    • selection

      MultiSelection<Entity> selection()
      Specified by:
      selection in interface FilterModel<E extends EntityEditModel>
      the MultiSelection instance
    • queryModel

      EntityQueryModel queryModel()
      the underlying query model