Class EntityEditPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public abstract class EntityEditPanel extends EntityEditComponentPanel
A UI component based on a EntityEditModel.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final PropertyValue<Boolean> USE_FOCUS_ACTIVATION
      Specifies whether edit panels should be activated when the panel (or its parent EntityPanel) receives focus
      Value type: Boolean
      Default value: true

      public static final PropertyValue<Boolean> USE_SAVE_CAPTION
      Specifies whether the add/insert button caption should be 'Save' (mnemonic S), instead of 'Add' (mnemonic A)
      Value type: Boolean
      Default value: false

      public static final PropertyValue<Boolean> INCLUDE_ENTITY_MENU
      Specifies whether to include a EntityPopupMenu on this edit panel, triggered with CTRL-ALT-V.
      Value type: Boolean
      Default value: true
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityEditPanel

      public EntityEditPanel(SwingEntityEditModel editModel)
      Instantiates a new EntityEditPanel based on the given EntityEditModel
      editModel - the EntityEditModel instance to base this EntityEditPanel on
    • EntityEditPanel

      public EntityEditPanel(SwingEntityEditModel editModel, EntityComponents entityComponents)
      Instantiates a new EntityEditPanel based on the given EntityEditModel
      editModel - the EntityEditModel instance to base this EntityEditPanel on
      entityComponents - the entity components instance to use when creating components
    • EntityEditPanel

      public EntityEditPanel(SwingEntityEditModel editModel, EntityEditPanel.ControlCode... controlCodes)
      Instantiates a new EntityEditPanel based on the given EntityEditModel
      editModel - the EntityEditModel instance to base this EntityEditPanel on
      controlCodes - if specified only controls with those keys are initialized, null or an empty array will result in no controls being initialized
    • EntityEditPanel

      public EntityEditPanel(SwingEntityEditModel editModel, EntityComponents entityComponents, EntityEditPanel.ControlCode... controlCodes)
      Instantiates a new EntityEditPanel based on the given EntityEditModel
      editModel - the EntityEditModel instance to base this EntityEditPanel on
      entityComponents - the entity components instance to use when creating components
      controlCodes - if specified only controls with those keys are initialized, null or an empty array will result in no controls being initialized
  • Method Details