Interface FilteredTableModel.ColumnValueProvider<R,C>

Type Parameters:
R - the row type
C - the column identifier type
Enclosing interface:

public static interface FilteredTableModel.ColumnValueProvider<R,C>
Provides the column value for a row and column
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default <T> Comparable<T>
    comparable(R row, C columnIdentifier)
    Returns a Comparable instance for the given row and columnIdentifier.
    default String
    string(R row, C columnIdentifier)
    Returns a String representation of the value for the given row and columnIdentifier, an empty String in case of null.
    value(R row, C columnIdentifier)
    Returns a value for the given row and columnIdentifier
  • Method Details

    • value

      Object value(R row, C columnIdentifier)
      Returns a value for the given row and columnIdentifier
      row - the object representing a given row
      columnIdentifier - the column identifier
      a value for the given row and column
    • string

      default String string(R row, C columnIdentifier)
      Returns a String representation of the value for the given row and columnIdentifier, an empty String in case of null.
      row - the row
      columnIdentifier - the column identifier
      a String representation of the value for the given row and column, an empty String in case of null
    • comparable

      default <T> Comparable<T> comparable(R row, C columnIdentifier)
      Returns a Comparable instance for the given row and columnIdentifier. The default implementation returns the value as is in case it's a Comparable instance, otherwise null is returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the column value type
      row - the object representing a given row
      columnIdentifier - the column identifier
      a Comparable for the given row and column