Class EntityApplicationPanel<M extends SwingEntityApplicationModel>

Type Parameters:
M - the application model type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public abstract class EntityApplicationPanel<M extends SwingEntityApplicationModel> extends JPanel
A central application panel class.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EntityApplicationPanel

      public EntityApplicationPanel(M applicationModel)
    • EntityApplicationPanel

      public EntityApplicationPanel(M applicationModel, EntityApplicationPanel.ApplicationLayout applicationLayout)
  • Method Details

    • displayException

      public final void displayException(Throwable exception)
      Displays the exception in a dialog
      exception - the exception to display
    • applicationModel

      public final M applicationModel()
      the application model this application panel is based on
    • applicationLayout

      public final <T extends EntityApplicationPanel.ApplicationLayout> T applicationLayout()
      Type Parameters:
      T - the layout type
      the application layout
    • entityPanel

      public final <T extends EntityPanel> T entityPanel(EntityType entityType)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the entity panel type
      entityType - the entityType
      the first entity panel found based on the given entity type
      IllegalArgumentException - in case this application panel does not contain a panel for the given entity type
    • entityPanels

      public final List<EntityPanel> entityPanels()
      an unmodifiable view of the main application panels
    • parentWindow

      public final Optional<Window> parentWindow()
      the parent window of this panel, if one exists, an empty Optional otherwise
    • alwaysOnTop

      public final State alwaysOnTop()
      a State controlling the alwaysOnTop state of this panels parent window
    • viewApplicationTree

      public final void viewApplicationTree()
      Displays in a dialog a tree describing the application layout
    • viewDependencyTree

      public final void viewDependencyTree()
      Shows a dialog containing a dependency tree view of all defined entities
    • addInitializationListener

      public final void addInitializationListener(Consumer<EntityApplicationPanel<?>> listener)
      listener - notified when this application panel has been initialized
      See Also:
    • exit

      public final void exit()
      Exits this application
      CancelException - if the exit is cancelled
      See Also:
    • displayHelp

      public void displayHelp() throws Exception
      Displays the help.
      Exception - in case of an exception, for example a malformed URL
      See Also:
    • displayKeyboardShortcuts

      public final void displayKeyboardShortcuts()
      Displays a keyboard shortcut overview panel.
    • displayAbout

      public final void displayAbout()
      Shows an about dialog
      See Also:
    • initialize

      public final void initialize()
      Initializes this panel and marks is as initialized, subsequent calls have no effect.
    • createDependencyTreeModel

      public static TreeModel createDependencyTreeModel(Entities entities)
      entities - the entities
      a tree model showing the dependencies between entities via foreign keys
    • builder

      public static <M extends SwingEntityApplicationModel, P extends EntityApplicationPanel<M>> EntityApplicationPanel.Builder<M,P> builder(Class<M> applicationModelClass, Class<P> applicationPanelClass)
      Type Parameters:
      M - the application model type
      P - the application panel type
      applicationModelClass - the application model class
      applicationPanelClass - the application panel class
      a EntityApplicationPanel.Builder
    • createMainMenuControls

      protected Controls createMainMenuControls()
      the controls on which to base the main menu
      See Also:
    • createFileMenuControls

      protected Controls createFileMenuControls()
      the Controls specifying the items in the 'File' menu
    • createToolsMenuControls

      protected Controls createToolsMenuControls()
      the Controls specifying the items in the 'Tools' menu
    • createViewMenuControls

      protected Controls createViewMenuControls()
      the Controls specifying the items in the 'View' menu
    • createHelpMenuControls

      protected Controls createHelpMenuControls()
      the Controls specifying the items in the 'Help' menu
    • createSupportTableMenuControls

      protected Controls createSupportTableMenuControls()
      the Controls on which to base the Support Tables menu
    • createExitControl

      protected final Control createExitControl()
      a Control for exiting the application
    • createLogLevelControl

      protected final Control createLogLevelControl()
      a Control for setting the log level
    • createViewApplicationTreeControl

      protected final Control createViewApplicationTreeControl()
      a Control for viewing the application structure tree
    • createViewDependencyTree

      protected final Control createViewDependencyTree()
      a Control for viewing the application dependency tree
    • createSelectLookAndFeelControl

      protected final Control createSelectLookAndFeelControl()
      Allows the user the select between the available Look and Feels, saves the selection as a user preference.
      a Control for selecting the application look and feel
      See Also:
    • createSelectFontSizeControl

      protected final Control createSelectFontSizeControl()
      a Control for selecting the font size
    • createAlwaysOnTopControl

      protected final ToggleControl createAlwaysOnTopControl()
      a Control controlling the always on top status
    • createAboutControl

      protected final Control createAboutControl()
      a Control for viewing information about the application
    • createHelpControl

      protected final Control createHelpControl()
      a Control for displaying the help
    • createViewKeyboardShortcutsControl

      protected final Control createViewKeyboardShortcutsControl()
      a Control for displaying the keyboard shortcuts overview
    • createAboutPanel

      protected JPanel createAboutPanel()
      the panel shown when Help -> About is selected
    • bindEvents

      protected void bindEvents()
      Override to add event bindings after initialization
    • displayEntityPanel

      protected final void displayEntityPanel(EntityPanel.Builder panelBuilder)
      Displays the panel provided by the given builder in a frame or dialog, depending on EntityPanel.USE_FRAME_PANEL_DISPLAY.
      panelBuilder - the entity panel builder
    • displayEntityPanel

      protected final void displayEntityPanel(EntityPanel entityPanel)
      Displays the given panel in a frame or dialog, depending on EntityPanel.USE_FRAME_PANEL_DISPLAY.
      entityPanel - the entity panel
    • displayEntityPanelFrame

      protected final void displayEntityPanelFrame(EntityPanel entityPanel)
      Shows a frame containing the given entity panel
      entityPanel - the entity panel
    • displayEntityPanelDialog

      protected final void displayEntityPanelDialog(EntityPanel entityPanel)
      Shows a non-modal dialog containing the given entity panel
      entityPanel - the entity panel
    • displayEntityPanelDialog

      protected final void displayEntityPanelDialog(EntityPanel entityPanel, boolean modalDialog)
      Shows a dialog containing the given entity panel
      entityPanel - the entity panel
      modalDialog - if true the dialog is made modal
    • createEntityPanels

      protected abstract List<EntityPanel> createEntityPanels()
      Creates the EntityPanels to include in this application panel. Returns an empty list in case this panel contains no entity panels or has a custom UI.
      a List containing the EntityPanels to include in this application panel or an empty list in case of no entity panels.
    • createSupportEntityPanelBuilders

      protected Collection<EntityPanel.Builder> createSupportEntityPanelBuilders()
      Returns a Collection of EntityPanel.Builder instances to use to populate the Support Table menu. Returns an empty Collection in case of no support table panels.
      a Collection of EntityPanel.Builder instances to use to populate the Support Table menu.
    • addOnExitListener

      protected final void addOnExitListener(Runnable listener)
      Adds a listener notified when the application is about to exit. To cancel the exit throw a CancelException.
      listener - a listener notified when the application is about to exit
    • createMenuBar

      protected JMenuBar createMenuBar()
      Creates the JMenuBar to use on the application Frame
      by default a JMenuBar based on the main menu controls
      See Also:
    • defaultUsername

      protected final String defaultUsername()
      the default username, that is, the username of the last successful login from user preferences, or the operating system username, if no username is found in user preferences.
    • savePreferences

      protected void savePreferences()
      Called during the exit() method, override to save user preferences on program exit, remember to call super.savePreferences() when overriding
      See Also: