Class DefaultEntityComponentFactory<T,A extends Attribute<T>,C extends JComponent>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultEntityComponentFactory<T,A extends Attribute<T>,C extends JComponent> extends Object implements EntityComponentFactory<T,A,C>
A default EntityComponentFactory implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultEntityComponentFactory

      public DefaultEntityComponentFactory()
  • Method Details

    • componentValue

      public ComponentValue<T,C> componentValue(A attribute, SwingEntityEditModel editModel, T initialValue)
      Description copied from interface: EntityComponentFactory
      Provides value input components for multiple entity update, override to supply specific ComponentValue implementations for attributes.
      Specified by:
      componentValue in interface EntityComponentFactory<T,A extends Attribute<T>,C extends JComponent>
      attribute - the attribute for which to get the ComponentValue
      editModel - the edit model used to create foreign key input models
      initialValue - the initial value to display
      a new ComponentValue instance handling input for attribute