Interface FilteredComboBoxModel.ItemFinder<T,V>

Type Parameters:
T - the combo box model item type
V - the type of the value to search by
Enclosing class:

public static interface FilteredComboBoxModel.ItemFinder<T,V>
Responsible for finding an item of type FilteredComboBoxModel.ItemFinder by a single value of type FilteredComboBoxModel.ItemFinder.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the Predicate to use when searching for the given value
    default T
    findItem(Collection<T> items, V value)
    Returns the first item in the given collection containing the given value.
    value(T item)
    Returns the value from the given item to use when searching
  • Method Details

    • value

      V value(T item)
      Returns the value from the given item to use when searching
      item - the item, never null
      the value associated with the given item
    • createPredicate

      Predicate<T> createPredicate(V value)
      Returns the Predicate to use when searching for the given value
      value - the value to search for, never null
      a Predicate based on the given value
    • findItem

      default T findItem(Collection<T> items, V value)
      Returns the first item in the given collection containing the given value. Only called for non-null values.
      items - the items to search
      value - the value to search for, never null
      the first item in the given list containing the given value, null if none is found.