Interface EntityTableModel<E extends EntityEditModel>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of EntityEditModel used by this EntityTableModel
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EntityTableModel<E extends EntityEditModel> extends FilterModel<Entity>
Specifies a table model containing Entity instances.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • entityType

      EntityType entityType()
      the type of the entity this table model is based on
    • connectionProvider

      EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider()
      the connection provider used by this table model
    • connection

      EntityConnection connection()
      Do not cache or keep the connection returned by this method in a long living field, since it may become invalid and thereby unusable.
      the connection used by this table model
    • entities

      Entities entities()
      the underlying domain entities
    • entityDefinition

      EntityDefinition entityDefinition()
      the definition of the underlying entity
    • editModel

      <C extends E> C editModel()
      Type Parameters:
      C - the edit model type Returns the EntityEditModel associated with this table model
      the edit model associated with this table model
    • replace

      void replace(ForeignKey foreignKey, Collection<Entity> foreignKeyValues)
      For every entity in this table model, replaces the foreign key instance bearing the primary key with the corresponding entity from foreignKeyValues, useful when attribute values have been changed in the referenced entity that must be reflected in the table model.
      foreignKey - the foreign key
      foreignKeyValues - the foreign key entities
    • replace

      void replace(Collection<Entity> entities)
      Replaces the given entities in this table model
      entities - the entities to replace
    • refresh

      void refresh(Collection<Entity.Key> keys)
      Refreshes the entities with the given keys by re-selecting them from the underlying database.
      keys - the keys of the entities to refresh
    • conditionModel

      EntityTableConditionModel conditionModel()
      the EntityTableConditionModel instance used by this table model
    • editable

      State editable()
      the State controlling whether this table model is editable
    • backgroundColor

      Object backgroundColor(int row, Attribute<?> attribute)
      row - the row for which to retrieve the background color
      attribute - the attribute for which to retrieve the background color
      an Object representing the background color for this row and attribute, specified by the row entity
      See Also:
    • foregroundColor

      Object foregroundColor(int row, Attribute<?> attribute)
      row - the row for which to retrieve the foreground color
      attribute - the attribute for which to retrieve the foreground color
      an Object representing the foreground color for this row and attribute, specified by the row entity
      See Also:
    • attributes

      ValueSet<Attribute<?>> attributes()
      Returns the ValueSet controlling which attributes are included when selecting entities to populate this model. Note that an empty ValueSet indicates that the default select attributes should be used.
      the ValueSet controlling the selected attributes
    • limit

      Value<Integer> limit()
      Returns the Value controlling the maximum number of rows to fetch via the underlying query the next time this table model is refreshed, a null value means all rows should be fetched
      the value controlling the limit
    • orderBy

      Value<OrderBy> orderBy()
      Controls the order by clause to use when selecting the data for this model. Setting this value to null reverts back to the default order by for the underlying entity, if one has been specified
      the value controlling the order by clause
      See Also:
    • deleteSelected

      Collection<Entity> deleteSelected() throws DatabaseException
      Deletes the selected entities
      the deleted entities
      DatabaseException - in case of a database exception
      CancelException - in case the user cancels the operation
      IllegalStateException - in case this table model has no edit model or if the edit model does not allow deleting
    • conditionRequired

      State conditionRequired()
      Returns a State controlling whether this table model should display all underlying entities when no query condition has been set. Setting this value to 'true' prevents all rows from being fetched by accident, when no condition has been set, which is recommended for tables with a large underlying dataset.
      a State specifying whether this table model requires a query condition
    • handleEditEvents

      State handleEditEvents()
      the state controlling whether this table model handles entity edit events, by replacing updated entities
      See Also:
    • onInsert

      the Value controlling the action to perform when entities are inserted via the associated edit model
      See Also:
    • removeDeleted

      State removeDeleted()
      the State controlling whether entities that are deleted via the associated edit model should be automatically removed from this table model
    • find

      Finds entities in this table model according to the values in keys
      keys - the primary key values to use as condition
      the entities from this table model having the primary key values as in keys
    • select

      void select(Collection<Entity.Key> keys)
      Selects entities according to the primary keys in primaryKeys
      keys - the primary keys of the entities to select
    • find

      Optional<Entity> find(Entity.Key primaryKey)
      Finds the entity in this table model having the given primary key
      primaryKey - the primary key to search by
      the entity with the given primary key from the table model, an empty Optional if not found
    • indexOf

      int indexOf(Entity.Key primaryKey)
      primaryKey - the primary key
      the row index of the entity with the given primary key, -1 if not found
    • refresh

      void refresh()
      Refreshes the items in this table model, according to the underlying condition
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface FilterModel<E extends EntityEditModel>
      See Also:
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears all items from this table model
    • getRowCount

      int getRowCount()
      the number of visible rows in this table model
    • selectionModel

      TableSelectionModel<Entity> selectionModel()
      the TableSelectionModel
    • conditionChanged

      StateObserver conditionChanged()
      a StateObserver indicating if the search condition has changed since last refresh
    • selectionEvent

      EventObserver<?> selectionEvent()
      an observer notified when the selection changes in the underlying selection model