Interface EntityModel<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>>

Type Parameters:
M - the type of EntityModel used for detail models
E - the type of EntityEditModel used by this EntityModel
T - the type of EntityTableModel used by this EntityModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultEntityModel, SwingEntityModel

public interface EntityModel<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>>
Specifies a class responsible for, among other things, coordinating a EntityEditModel and an EntityTableModel.
  • Method Details

    • entityType

      EntityType entityType()
      the type of the entity this entity model is based on
    • connectionProvider

      EntityConnectionProvider connectionProvider()
      the connection provider used by this entity model
    • connection

      EntityConnection connection()
      Do not cache or keep the connection returned by this method in a long living field, since it may become invalid and thereby unusable.
      the connection used by this entity model
    • entities

      Entities entities()
      the underlying domain entities
    • entityDefinition

      EntityDefinition entityDefinition()
      the definition of the underlying entity
    • editModel

      <C extends E> C editModel()
      Type Parameters:
      C - the edit model type
      the EntityEditModel instance used by this EntityModel
    • tableModel

      <C extends T> C tableModel()
      Type Parameters:
      C - the table model type
      the EntityTableModel
      IllegalStateException - in case no table model is available
    • containsTableModel

      boolean containsTableModel()
      true if this EntityModel contains a EntityTableModel
    • linkedDetailModels

      ValueSetObserver<M> linkedDetailModels()
      detail models with an active link to this model, that is, those that should respond to master model events
      See Also:
    • addDetailModels

      void addDetailModels(M... detailModels)
      Adds the given detail model to this model, a side effect if the detail model contains a table model is that it is configured so that a query condition is required for it to show any data, via EntityQueryModel.conditionRequired(). Note that each detail model is associated with the first foreign key found referencing this models entity.
      detailModels - the detail models to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case no foreign key exists between the entities involved
    • addDetailModel

      ForeignKeyDetailModelLink<M,E,T> addDetailModel(M detailModel)
      Adds the given detail model to this model, a side effect if the detail model contains a table model is that it is configured so that a query condition is required for it to show any data, via EntityQueryModel.conditionRequired(). Note that the detail model is associated with the first foreign key found referencing this models entity.
      detailModel - the detail model
      the resulting ForeignKeyDetailModelLink
      IllegalArgumentException - in case no foreign key exists between the entities involved
    • addDetailModel

      ForeignKeyDetailModelLink<M,E,T> addDetailModel(M detailModel, ForeignKey foreignKey)
      Adds the given detail model to this model, a side effect if the detail model contains a table model is that it is configured so that a query condition is required for it to show any data, via EntityQueryModel.conditionRequired() Specify the foreign key in case the detail model is based on an entity which contains multiple foreign keys to the same master entity.
      detailModel - the detail model
      foreignKey - the foreign key to base the detail model on
      the resulting ForeignKeyDetailModelLink
    • addDetailModel

      <L extends DetailModelLink<M, E, T>> L addDetailModel(L detailModelLink)
      Adds the given detail model to this model, a side effect if the detail model contains a table model is that it is configured so that a query condition is required for it to show any data, via EntityQueryModel.conditionRequired()
      Type Parameters:
      L - the DetailModelLink type
      detailModelLink - the DetailModelLink to add
      the DetailModelLink
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the model has already been added
    • containsDetailModel

      boolean containsDetailModel(Class<? extends M> modelClass)
      modelClass - the detail model class
      true if this model contains a detail model of the given class
    • containsDetailModel

      boolean containsDetailModel(EntityType entityType)
      entityType - the entityType
      true if this model contains a detail model for the given entityType
    • containsDetailModel

      boolean containsDetailModel(M detailModel)
      detailModel - the detail model
      true if this model contains the given detail model
    • detailModel

      <C extends M> C detailModel(Class<C> modelClass)
      Returns the first detail model of the given type
      Type Parameters:
      C - the model type
      modelClass - the type of the required EntityModel
      the detail model of type entityModelClass
      IllegalArgumentException - in case this model does not contain a detail model of the given type
    • detailModel

      <C extends M> C detailModel(EntityType entityType)
      Returns a detail model of the given type
      Type Parameters:
      C - the detail model type
      entityType - the entityType of the required EntityModel
      the detail model of type entityModelClass
      IllegalArgumentException - in case this model does not contain a detail model for the entityType
    • detailModels

      Collection<M> detailModels()
      an unmodifiable collection containing the detail models this model contains
    • detailModelLink

      <L extends DetailModelLink<M, E, T>> L detailModelLink(M detailModel)
      Type Parameters:
      L - the DetailModelLink type
      detailModel - the detail model
      the link for the given detail model
      IllegalArgumentException - in case this model does not contain the given detail model