Interface ListBoxBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the value type
All Superinterfaces:

public interface ListBoxBuilder<T> extends ComponentBuilder<Set<T>,JComboBox<T>,ListBoxBuilder<T>>
Creates a JComboBox based ComponentValue instance, represented by the items in the combo box (as opposed to the selected item)
  • Method Details

    • string

      string - provides a String to display in the list for a given value, formatted or otherwise
      this builder instance
    • listBox

      static <T> ListBoxBuilder<T> listBox(ComponentValue<T,? extends JComponent> itemValue, ValueSet<T> linkedValue)
      Creates a JComboBox based ComponentValue instance, represented by the items in the combo box (as opposed to the selected item). The provided itemValue supplies new items to add to the combo box.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the value type
      itemValue - the component value providing the items to add
      linkedValue - the value to link
      a new ComponentValue