Interface FilterComboBoxModel.ComboBoxSelection<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the item type
All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface FilterComboBoxModel.ComboBoxSelection<T> extends SingleItemSelection<T>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Specifies whether filtering the model affects the currently selected item.
    Returns true if this model contains null and it is selected.
    Provides a way for the combo box model to translate an item when it is selected, such as selecting the String "1" in a String based model when selected item is set to the number 1.

    Methods inherited from interface is.codion.common.model.selection.SingleItemSelection

    changing, clear, empty, item
  • Method Details

    • value

      T value()
      the selected value, null in case the value representing null is selected
      See Also:
    • nullSelected

      boolean nullSelected()
      Returns true if this model contains null and it is selected.
      true if this model contains null and it is selected, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • translator

      Value<Function<Object,T>> translator()
      Provides a way for the combo box model to translate an item when it is selected, such as selecting the String "1" in a String based model when selected item is set to the number 1.
      the Value controlling the selected item translator
    • filterSelected

      State filterSelected()
      Specifies whether filtering the model affects the currently selected item. If true, the selection is cleared when the selected item is filtered from the model, otherwise the selected item can potentially represent a value which is not currently visible in the model This is false by default.
      the State controlling whether filtering affects the selected item
      See Also: