Interface Value<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the wrapped value
All Superinterfaces:
Consumer<T>, EventObserver<T>, Supplier<T>, ValueObserver<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentValue<T,C>, PropertyValue<T>, State, ValueList<T>, Values<T,C>, ValueSet<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponentValue, AbstractTextComponentValue, AbstractValue

public interface Value<T> extends ValueObserver<T>, Consumer<T>
An observable wrapper for a value. A factory for Value instances.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • accept

      default void accept(T value)
      Sets the value. Note that change listener notifications depend on the Value.Notify policy associated with this value.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface Consumer<T>
      value - the value
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the given value is invalid
      See Also:
    • set

      boolean set(T value)
      Sets the value. Note that change listener notifications depend on the Value.Notify policy associated with this value.
      value - the value
      true if the underlying value changed
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the given value is invalid
      See Also:
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears this value, by setting it to null or the null value in case this is a non-null value.
    • map

      default boolean map(Function<T,T> mapper)
      Sets a new value mapped from the current value.
       Value<Integer> value = Value.value(0);
       // increment the value by one -> currentValue + 1);
      mapper - maps from the current value to a new value
      true if the underlying value changed
      NullPointerException - in case mapper is null
    • observer

      ValueObserver<T> observer()
      Returns a ValueObserver notified each time this value changes.
      a ValueObserver for this value
    • link

      void link(Value<T> originalValue)
      Creates a bidirectional link between this and the given original value, so that changes in one are reflected in the other. Note that after a call to this method this value is the same as originalValue.
      originalValue - the original value to link this value to
      IllegalStateException - in case the values are already linked or if a cycle is detected
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the original value is not valid according to this values validators
    • unlink

      void unlink(Value<T> originalValue)
      Unlinks this value from the given original value
      originalValue - the original value to unlink from this one
      IllegalStateException - in case the values are not linked
    • link

      void link(ValueObserver<T> originalValue)
      Creates a unidirectional link between this value and the given original value observer, so that changes in the original value are reflected in this one. Note that after a call to this method the value of this value is the same as the original value.
      originalValue - the original value to link this value to
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the original value is not valid according to this values validators
    • unlink

      void unlink(ValueObserver<T> originalValue)
      Unlinks this value from the given original value observer
      originalValue - the original value to unlink
    • addValidator

      boolean addValidator(Value.Validator<? super T> validator)
      Adds a validator to this Value. Adding the same validator again has no effect.
      validator - the validator
      true if this value did not already contain the specified validator
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the current value is invalid according to the validator
    • removeValidator

      boolean removeValidator(Value.Validator<? super T> validator)
      Removes the given validator from this value
      validator - the validator
      true if this value contained the specified validator
    • validate

      void validate(T value)
      Validate the given value using all validators
      value - the value to validate
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the given value is invalid according to a validator
    • value

      static <T> Value<T> value()
      Creates a new Value instance, wrapping a null initial value, using Value.Notify.WHEN_CHANGED.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the value type
      a Value for the given type
    • nonNull

      static <T> Value.Builder<T,?> nonNull(T nullValue)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the value type
      nullValue - the actual value to use when the value is set to null
      a builder for a non-null Value
    • nullable

      static <T> Value.Builder<T,?> nullable()
      Type Parameters:
      T - the value type
      a builder for a nullable Value
    • nullable

      static <T> Value.Builder<T,?> nullable(T initialValue)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the value type
      initialValue - the initial value
      a builder for a nullable Value