Interface ModelLink<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>>

Type Parameters:
M - the EntityModel type
E - the EntityEditModel type
T - the EntityTableModel type
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ModelLink<M extends EntityModel<M,E,T>,E extends EntityEditModel,T extends EntityTableModel<E>>
Represents a link between two entity models.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • model

      M model()
      the linked model
    • active

      State active()

      Controls the active status of this link.

      Active model links respond to the parent model selection via onSelection(Collection).

      the State controlling the active status of this model link
      See Also:
    • onSelection

      void onSelection(Collection<Entity> selectedEntities)

      Called when the selection changes in the parent model or when this link is activated.

      Note that only active links are required to handle parent model selection.

      selectedEntities - the selected entities
      See Also:
    • onInsert

      void onInsert(Collection<Entity> insertedEntities)
      Called when a insert is performed in the parent model, regardless of entity type.
      insertedEntities - the inserted entities
    • onUpdate

      void onUpdate(Map<Entity,Entity> updatedEntities)
      Called when an update is performed in the parent model, regardless of entity type.
      updatedEntities - the updated entities, mapped to their state before the update
    • onDelete

      void onDelete(Collection<Entity> deletedEntities)
      Called when delete is performed in the parent model, regardless of entity type.
      deletedEntities - the deleted entities
    • builder

      static <M extends EntityModel<M, E, T>, E extends EntityEditModel, T extends EntityTableModel<E>, B extends ModelLink.Builder<M, E, T, B>> ModelLink.Builder<M,E,T,B> builder(M model)

      Returns a new ModelLink.Builder instance.

      Note that if the linked model contains a table model it is configured so that a query condition is required for it to show any data, via EntityQueryModel.conditionRequired()

      Type Parameters:
      M - the EntityModel type
      E - the EntityEditModel type
      T - the EntityTableModel type
      B - the builder type
      model - the model to link
      a ModelLink.Builder instance