Interface FilterComboBoxModel.ItemFinder<T,V>

Type Parameters:
T - the combo box model item type
V - the type of the value to search by
Enclosing interface:

public static interface FilterComboBoxModel.ItemFinder<T,V>
Responsible for finding an item of type FilterComboBoxModel.ItemFinder by a single value of type FilterComboBoxModel.ItemFinder.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default T
    findItem(Collection<T> items, V value)
    Returns the first item in the given collection containing the given value.
    predicate(V value)
    Returns the Predicate to use when searching for the given value
    value(T item)
    Returns the value from the given item to use when searching
  • Method Details

    • value

      V value(T item)
      Returns the value from the given item to use when searching
      item - the item, never null
      the value associated with the given item
    • predicate

      Predicate<T> predicate(V value)
      Returns the Predicate to use when searching for the given value
      value - the value to search for, never null
      a Predicate based on the given value
    • findItem

      default T findItem(Collection<T> items, V value)
      Returns the first item in the given collection containing the given value. Only called for non-null values.
      items - the items to search
      value - the value to search for, never null
      the first item in the given list containing the given value, null if none is found.