Interface FilterComboBoxModel<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of values in this combo box model
All Superinterfaces:
ComboBoxModel<T>, FilterModel<T>, ListModel<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityComboBoxModel, ItemComboBoxModel

public interface FilterComboBoxModel<T> extends FilterModel<T>, ComboBoxModel<T>
A combo box model based on FilterModel.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final PropertyValue<String> COMBO_BOX_NULL_CAPTION
      Specifies the caption used by default to represent null in combo box models. Value type: String
      Default value: -
  • Method Details

    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears all items from this combo box model, including the null item and sets the selected item to null
    • cleared

      boolean cleared()
      true if the model data has been cleared and needs to be refreshed
    • setItems

      void setItems(Collection<T> items)
      Resets the items of this model using the values found in items.
      items - the items to display in this combo box model
      IllegalArgumentException - in case an item fails validation
      See Also:
    • add

      void add(T item)
      Adds the given item to this model, respecting the sorting order if specified. If this model already contains the item, calling this method has no effect. Note that if the item does not satisfy the include condition, it will be filtered right away.
      item - the item to add
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the item fails validation
      See Also:
    • remove

      void remove(T item)
      Removes the given item from this model
      item - the item to remove
    • replace

      void replace(T item, T replacement)
      Replaces the given item in this combo box model
      item - the item to replace
      replacement - the replacement item
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the replacement item fails validation
    • sortItems

      void sortItems()
      Sorts the items in this model
      See Also:
    • comparator

      Value<Comparator<T>> comparator()
      Controls the Comparator used when sorting the visible items in this model and sorts the model accordingly. This Comparator must take into account the null value if a null item has been set via nullItem(). If a null comparator is provided no sorting will be performed.
      the Value controlling the comparator used when sorting, value may be null if the items of this model should not be sorted
    • validator

      Value<Predicate<T>> validator()
      Provides a way for the model to prevent the addition of certain items. Trying to add items that fail validation will result in an exception. Note that any translation of the selected item is done before validation.
      the Value controlling the item validator
    • selectedItemTranslator

      Value<Function<Object,T>> selectedItemTranslator()
      Provides a way for the combo box model to translate an item when it is selected, such as selecting the String "1" in a String based model when selected item is set to the number 1.
      the Value controlling the selected item translator
    • validSelectionPredicate

      Value<Predicate<T>> validSelectionPredicate()
      Provides a way for the combo box model to prevent the selection of certain items.
      the Value controlling the valid selection predicate
    • includeNull

      State includeNull()
      the State controlling whether a null value is included as the first item
      See Also:
    • nullItem

      Value<T> nullItem()
      Controls the item that should represent the null value in this model. Note that includeNull() must be used as well to enable the null value.
      the Value controlling the item representing null
      See Also:
    • nullSelected

      boolean nullSelected()
      Returns true if this model contains null and it is selected.
      true if this model contains null and it is selected, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • selectionEmpty

      StateObserver selectionEmpty()
      a StateObserver indicating whether the selection is empty or the value representing null is selected
    • selectedValue

      T selectedValue()
      the selected value, null in case the value representing null is selected
      See Also:
    • getSelectedItem

      T getSelectedItem()
      Specified by:
      getSelectedItem in interface ComboBoxModel<T>
      the selected item, N.B. this can include the nullItem in case it has been set via nullItem(), selectedValue() is usually what you want
    • filterSelectedItem

      State filterSelectedItem()
      Specifies whether filtering can change the selected item, if true then the selected item is set to null when the currently selected item is filtered from the model, otherwise the selected item can potentially represent a value which is not currently visible in the model. This is true by default.
      the State controlling whether the selected item is changed when it is filtered
    • createSelectorValue

      <V> Value<V> createSelectorValue(FilterComboBoxModel.ItemFinder<T,V> itemFinder)
      Type Parameters:
      V - the value type
      itemFinder - responsible for finding the item to select
      a value linked to the selected item via the given finder instance
    • selectionEvent

      EventObserver<T> selectionEvent()
      an observer notified each time the selection changes
    • filterComboBoxModel

      static <T> FilterComboBoxModel<T> filterComboBoxModel()
      Type Parameters:
      T - the item type
      a new FilterComboBoxModel instance